学术地位 & 排除、停职、解雇


累积平均绩点2分.0 is the minimum acceptable level for undergraduate coursework and for graduation from the University.

The Academic Standards and Advising Committee or Associate Deans examine academic performance and exclude, 暂停, or dismiss students who demonstrate insufficient or indeterminate progress toward their degrees. 

有关学术地位和学术行动的更多信息包括在 本科学术目录.



  • “学术悬”, or “Academic Dismissal” is printed 在 transcript in the term in which an academic action occurs.
  • The message is removed if the action is cancelled, or replaced if the student’s status changes.

我收回了. 我还能被学校开除、停学或开除吗?

是的. 在学期中期之后退学且GPA低于2分的学生.可能有学术行动. 如果发生这种情况,提款将被取消, 并且该学生的状态将被更改为排除, 暂停, 或解雇. 他们的成绩单也随之更新.


学生身份变更之日起, 注册办公室会向学生的UNH电子邮件地址发送电子邮件. 信件也会寄到学生的永久邮寄地址. Similarly, if the action is cancelled or changed, the student will receive an email and letter.


学业进展不确定的学生, 成绩普遍较低就证明了这一点, 不完整的课程, 以及行政上的失败, 五月, 由学术标准及谘询委员会或副院长决定, be excluded from further attendance until such time as their academic standing can be clarified, 通常通过解决未完成的课程. 除了, exclusion 五月 be necessary to resolve questions concerning major departmental requirements or University academic standards. 排除是一项临时行动,并将更改为已终止学位状态, 悬架 或解雇 not later than mid-semester following the exclusion action unless the student resolves the situation. 如果排除没有及时解决, 学生的注册和住宿将被取消.  


Contact the college or school to inquire about the steps to resolve the exclusion prior to the start of the next regular semester (秋天/Spring). 参见“如果学生对学术活动有疑问,他们应该联系谁??下面的.

如果学生不返回UNH, they are not eligible to formally withdraw from the University while their status is excluded. 然而, they will still need to wrap up details related to their account and should contact Student Accounts, (603)862-2230, 结帐. 应联系的办公室清单包含在本常见问题解答的末尾.



我报名参加了UNH的暑期课程. 我的学业表现如何影响我的暑期注册?

如果学生注册了夏季学期的课程,他们的状态变为排除, 暂停, 或解雇, they will remain registered for the course unless they take steps to withdraw from the course through the add/drop process within 公布的截止日期.

如果学生报名参加夏季学期的课程 已经开始了, 他们有资格在被排除的十天内放弃课程, 悬架, 或解雇, 通过以下方式与注册办公室联系 登记员.office@主要研究.edu. 在十天内退课的学生将获得退款. 如果学生不行使此选择权, they must continue to attend and complete the course and are academically and financially responsible for the course(s). 如果一个夏季学期的课程尚未开始, the regular drop rules apply and the student 五月 drop the class by contacting the 注册商’s Office by the applicable drop deadline.  


  • TMS(800)722-4867,如果适用,取消每月的学费支付计划.
  • 经济援助(603)862-3600,文书工作和退出咨询.
  • 住房办公室(603)862-2120,退房,交钥匙,填写表格.
  • 餐饮/身份办公室(603)862-1821,申请膳食计划/猫的缓存/餐饮退款.
  • 图书馆(603)862-1535,归还书籍,关闭租用的图书馆储物柜.
  • 学生账户(603)862-2230

我在UNH注册了一月学期的课程. 我的学习行为如何影响我一月学期的注册?

如果学生注册了1月学期的课程,他们的状态更改为排除, 暂停, 或解雇, they will remain registered for the course unless they take steps to withdraw from the course through the add/drop process within 公布的截止日期. 如果学生报名参加一月学期的课程, 之后,他们没有资格退课 公布的截止日期 硕士校历. After 公布的截止日期 students are academically and financially responsible for 1项 classes and must continue to attend.


Students whose averages fall below the minimum required grade-point average for their class standing and/or who have demonstrated insufficient progress toward their degrees 五月 be 暂停. Students 暂停 from the University for academic reasons will not be permitted to return as a degree candidate until one regular UNH academic year semester (fall or spring) has elapsed from the time of 悬架. 因此, the student will not be eligible to take courses   including courses in the College of Professional Studies online or through 继续教育 during the period of 悬架. 除了, students 暂停 in June 五月 not enroll in any course in the 暑期班 immediately following their 悬架. Students on 悬架 for any reason will not earn transfer credit for courses taken while on 悬架.  

What should an academically 暂停 student do regarding the 秋天/Spring classes they are registered for?

在普通的UNH学期(秋季/春季), 学生不需要采取任何行动来退课. 在最初的上诉期过后, 通常是两周, the 注册商’s Office will drop 暂停 students from classes and Student Accounts will reverse tuition and tuition related fees.

支付任何未偿余额或要求退款(如有), 学生应联系student Accounts (603)862-2230. A checklist of Offices that should be contacted when a student leaves the University is included at the end of this FAQ.


Students who have been 暂停 once and whose average remains substantially below the minimum grade-point average for their class and who continue to demonstrate insufficient progress toward their degree must be dismissed. Only under extraordinary circumstances will a student be readmitted after having been dismissed. 然而, students who are dismissed 五月 take courses through 继续教育 after one regular UNH semester has elapsed.  


Durham and Manchester students that wish to return from an Academic Suspension must complete a 从休学或请假表中恢复. The request will be reviewed by the Dean’s Office of the student’s home college (or the UNH Manchester Director of 学术顾问 for UNH Manchester students). Students must provide a statement explaining why they believe they can successfully complete a UNH degree program and specific steps they will take to ensure future academic success. 如果得到批准, the student will be reinstated into the major they left and will receive confirmation from the 司法常务官办公室. 如果学生不再符合所学专业的要求,他们就离开, their request for return will be reviewed by the College of Liberal Arts Dean’s Office for reactivation into the Undeclared major. The Reactivation from Academic Suspension or Leave of Absence form must be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the semester of return begins.

Only under extraordinary circumstances will a student be readmitted after an academic dismissal. Students will need to consult their former home college (see contacts below) PRIOR to applying for readmission through the Office of 招生. 
